Date: Sunday, June 7, 2015
Time: 10:00 AM (Registration starts at 9:00 AM)
Comfort Inn Monticello, Charlottesville, VA (Exit 128 on I-64) Junction of Rte 250 & Interstate 64
Spend a day with us and learn how to use hypnosis to solve every day problems. Self hypnosis is a powerful and ancient tool used in many cultures throughout the ages and can now be part of your inventory of coping strategies for dealing with both physical and emotional pain. This set of presentations will show you how your life can improve by exerting energy that is already built into every living person. It is not magic. It is merely learning how to control your own mind rather than having it controlled by other forces. Hypnosis is gentle and offers no adverse effects like many drugs do. It is relaxing and painless and causes the release of natural beneficial chemicals that serve the healing process. Register for the entire day or choose the sessions you wish to attend.
The Agenda.
10:00-12 Noon Introduction to Self Hypnosis. Learn how to use this powerful stress management tool in daily living and in sharpening your focus in task management especially in learning new things. ($25.00)
12;00-1:30 PM Lunch
1:30 -3:30 PM Becoming a Partner in the Surgical Process before and after the Surgery through Hypnosis. Post hypnotic suggestions can help in minimizing bleeding and enhancing the healing process long after the hypnosis session is done. ($25.00)
3:30-5:30 PM Using Hypnosis to Shorten the Grieving Process. The power of the subconscious mind is utilized to address the issues of “unfinished business” that tend to prolong the discomfort of the grieving process. Learn the value of Forgiveness in this process that facilitates the ease of celebration of the life of the deceased. ($25.00)
**** Register for all three sessions and pay only $50.00, saving $25.00. Payment can be made by cash or check.
To register in advance:
Call: 434-962-2136 or: